Followers: 675719
Popularity: 57
Related artists:
- Powerwolf
- Eluveitie
- Amon Amarth
- Brothers of Metal
- Wind Rose
- Gloryhammer
- Korpiklaani
- HammerFall
- Equilibrium
- Bloodbound
- Ensiferum
- Orden Ogan
- Turisas
- Elvenking
- Finntroll
- Van Canto
- Týr
- Heidevolk
- Trollfest
- Rumahoy
Is related artist of :
- Eluveitie
- Sabaton
- Powerwolf
- Wind Rose
- DragonForce
- Gloryhammer
- Korpiklaani
- Lordi
- Grailknights
- Equilibrium
Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum (Deluxe Version)
Live in Tilburg
Curse of the Crystal Coconut (Deluxe Version)
Captain Morgan`s Revenge - 10th Anniversary Edition
No Grave but the Sea (Deluxe Edition)
Sunset on the Golden Age
Live at the End of the World
Back Through Time
Black Sails at Midnight
Captain Morgan's Revenge
- Voyage of the Dead Marauder
- Uzbekistan
- Voyage of the Dead Marauder
- Seventh Rum of a Seventh Rum
- The Battle of Cape Fear River
- P.A.R.T.Y.
- Magellan's Expedition
- The Wellerman
- Chicken on a Raft
- Big Ship Little Ship / Bassline Junkie
- Fannybaws
- Tortuga
- Treasure Chest Party Quest
- Flipped with a Sausage / Pirate Pizza Party
- Mexico
- Alestorm
- Skálstorm
- In the Navy
- You Are a Pirate
- P is for Pirate
- Leviathan