Michael Schønwandt
Followers: 395
Popularity: 22
Related artists:
- Axel Kober
- Fabio Luisi
- Thomas Dausgaard
- Royal Danish Orchestra
- Rémy Ballot
- Christoph Konig
- Robert Trevino
- Poul Elming
- Aage Haugland
- Claus Peter Flor
- Mario Venzago
- Peter Lodahl
- John Storgårds
- Thomas Fey
- Tomáš Netopil
- Georg Tintner
- Gert Henning-Jensen
- Peter Arnold Heise
- Mark Wigglesworth
- Sofie Elkjær Jensen
Is related artist of :
- The Nutcracker
- Wiener Staatsoper Live: Gundula Janowitz
- Schumann: Symphonic Works
- Schumann: Symphonies and Choral Ballads, Vol. 2
- Schumann: Symphonies & Choral Ballades, Vol. 2
- Schumann: Symphonies & Choral Ballades, Vol. 1
- Scandinavian Songs
- Scandinavian Songs
- Schumann: Symphonies & Choral Ballades, Vol. 2
- Schumann: Symphonies & Choral Ballades, Vol. 1