Paul Simon
Followers: 2380241
Popularity: 69
Related artists:
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Yusuf / Cat Stevens
- The Mamas & The Papas
- Van Morrison
- Neil Young
- Jim Croce
- Crosby, Stills & Nash
- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
- Don McLean
- James Taylor
- Carole King
- Carly Simon
- The Byrds
- Joni Mitchell
- Traveling Wilburys
- The Band
- Gordon Lightfoot
- Jackson Browne
- Peter, Paul and Mary
- Art Garfunkel
Is related artist of :
- James Taylor
- Carole King
- Art Garfunkel
- Paul McCartney
- Bob Dylan
- Neil Young
- Leonard Cohen
- Joni Mitchell
- Yusuf / Cat Stevens
- Simon & Garfunkel
- Don McLean
- Traveling Wilburys
- Peter Gabriel
- Van Morrison
Seven Psalms
In the Blue Light
Graceland - The Remixes
The Concert in Hyde Park
Stranger To Stranger (Deluxe Edition)
Stranger To Stranger
Live In New York City
So Beautiful or So What
The Early Years
You're The One
Songs From The Capeman
Paul Simon's Concert In The Park August 15, 1991
The Rhythm Of The Saints
Graceland (25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
Hearts And Bones
One-Trick Pony
Still Crazy After All These Years
Paul Simon In Concert: Live Rhymin'
There Goes Rhymin' Simon
Paul Simon
The Paul Simon Songbook
Stranger To Stranger (Deluxe Edition)
Stranger To Stranger