Bohdan Warchal
Followers: 417
Popularity: 30
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Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks / Water Music
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Handel: Water Music Suites 1 & 2
Handel: Water Music and Others
Bach - Albinoni - Telemann - Stamitz: Concertos for Two Violins
Haydn: Notturni
- Naxos Selection: Highlights
- Night Music 2
- 21st Century Cinema Classics
- Cinema Classics 1999
- 101 Classics - The Best Loved Classical Melodies
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- Best Of Naxos 1
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- Klassik ohne Krise: Gelassen genießen
- Proms 2012 - Music from the 2012 Proms Season
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- Adagio 2
- Discover The Classics, Vol. 3: The Concerto
- Discover The Classics, Vol. 3: The Concerto
- Det Goda Livet
- Handel (The Best Of)
- Haydn: Concertos for 2 Lire organizzate, Hob.VIIh:1-5
- Concertos para piano