Laura Shigihara
Followers: 86226
Popularity: 57
Related artists:
- Waterflame
- Lena Raine
- Toby Fox
- Christopher Larkin
- ConcernedApe
- Kristofer Maddigan
- Pascal Michael Stiefel
- GroovyDominoes52
- Valve Studio Orchestra
- Halfbrick
- Ilmari Hakkola
- Re-Logic
- 3000m
- Tee Lopes
- Scott Lloyd Shelly
- Mr. Sauceman
- ImRuscelOfficial
- Tim Haywood
- J Rivers
Is related artist of :
Mr. Saitou (Original Video Game Soundtrack)
shigi lofi, vol. 1
Dunk Lords (Original Video Game Soundtrack)
Rakuen (Original Soundtrack)
Plants Vs. Zombies (Original Video Game Soundtrack)
- When You Wake Up
- Himawari Party
- Everything's Alright (From "To The Moon") [Arranged Version]
- Work Hard, Play Hard (CS:GO Music Kit)
- Electric Disco Shiba
- much wow, so space
- Pirate Seas (From Plants vs. Zombies 2) [Secret Track]
- Old Cafe
- First Day (From "High School Story")
- Stronger Than You (From "Steven Universe")
- Ballad of the Goddess (From "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword")
- Kingyo Hanabi
- Blood Elf Druids
- Adamas Nivis
- Wish My Life Away (From "Finding Paradise")
- Searching My Life
- Better Days (From "A Quiver of Crows")
- Super Sweet Boy: Music from Super Meat Boy 5th Anniversary
- Where No One Goes (From "How to Train Your Dragon 2")
- Lament of the Highborne (From "World of Warcraft")
- From the Ground Up
- Cube Land
- Everything's Alright (From "To the Moon")