Karl Suske
Followers: 227
Popularity: 16
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Kay Johannsen
- Karita Mattila
- Michael Schade
- Rachel Harnisch
- Christian Ockert
- Nancy Allen
- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Wind Ensemble
- Susan Palma-Nidel
- Augustin Dumay
Beethoven: Unknown Masterworks, Vol. 3
Schubert: Trout Quintet (Schätze der Klassik)
Beethoven: Violinsonaten No. 4 & 5
Beethoven: Sonata for Piano and Violin (KulturSpiegel - Eterna - Über Grenzen Hinaus)
Beethoven: Sonatas for Piano and Violin (Op. 47 & 30 No. 3) [Remastered]