Dietrich Knothe
Followers: 65
Popularity: 22
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Is related artist of :
Brahms: Symphony No.4 In E Minor, Op. 98; Haydn Variations, Op. 56a; Nänie, Op. 82
Brahms: Symphony No.1; Gesang der Parzen
Schubert: Lazarus, D. 689
Schubert: Hymns
Spohr: Mass in C Minor, Op. 54 & Psalmen, Op. 85
- Brahms: Alto Rhapsody; Song of Destiny; Nänie; Song of the Fates
- Choral Music (Sacred) - Bach, J.S. / Schubert, F. / Zelenka, J.D. / Schein, J.H. / Handel, G.F. / Schutz, H. / Bruckner, A. / Schubert, F.
- Choral Concert - Bortniansky, D. / Bach, J.S. / Mozart, W.A. / Silcher, F. / Mendelssohn, Felix / Bruckner, A. [Sacd Version]
- Choral Concert - Bortniansky, D. / Bach, J.S. / Mozart, W.A. / Silcher, F. / Mendelssohn, Felix / Bruckner, A. / Schubert, F.
- Christmas Choral Concert - Handel, G.F. / Mozart, W.A. / Bach, J.S. / Praetorius, M. / Gruber, F.X. / Bach, J.C.F. / Adam, A.
- Choral Music - Bortniansky, D. / Schubert, F. / Bruckner, A. / Bruch, M. / Mendelssohn, Felix / Silcher, F. / Rheinberger, J.G.