Elisabeth Söderström
Followers: 693
Popularity: 16
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Janácek: Jenufa
Janácek: The Makropulos Case; Lachian Dances
Janácek: Kát'a Kabanová
Tchaikovsky: Songs Vol.2
Tchaikovsky: Songs Vol.1
Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier - excerpts
Rachmaninov: The Songs
Shostakovich: Symphony No.15 "From Jewish Folk Poetry"
Sibelius: Finlandia; Luonnotar; Tapiola etc.
Sibelius: Symphony No. 4; Finlandia; Luonnotar
Britten: Les Illuminations, Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Simple Symphony
Pfitzner: Palestrina (Live 1955)
Gluck: Opera Gala
Ture Rangström: Kung Eriks Visor, 3 Lyrical Songs & Divertimento elegiaco
Mahler: Das klagende Lied & Adagio from Symphony No. 10