Philharmonic Orchestra
Followers: 297
Popularity: 30
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Highlights from a Remarkable 30-Year Recording Year
- My Secret Passion: The Arias
- Ravel: Valley of the Bells, Jeux d'eau, Rapsodie espagnole, Le gibet, et al.
- Puccini: Madam Butterfly
- Puccini: La Boheme
- Pärt: Collage
- Bizet: Carmen (Sung in English)
- 8 Arias & 8 Songs
- Webster Booth - Arias
- Puccini: Madam Butterfly
- Puccini: La Boheme
- Bizet: Carmen (Sung in English)
- Rossini: The Thieving Magpie
- Opera Classics by Alessandro Bonci
- Norma - Aida
- Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro
- Gounod: Faust
- Historical Archives, Vol. 2