Roderick elms
Followers: 91
Popularity: 17
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Mendelssohn: Elijah, Op. 70
Elgar: The Dream of Gerontius - Parry: Blest pair of sirens, I was glad
Ireland: Orchestral and Choral Works
Britten: War Requiem, Sinfonia da Requiem & Ballad of Heroes
Vaughan Williams: Sinfonia Antartica & Toward the Unknown Region
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony
Elgar: Dream Of Gerontius - Parry: Blest pair of sirens, I was glad
Roderick Elms: Festive Frolic - A Celebration of Christmas
Martin: Ballades
Elgar: Sea Pictures & The Music Makers
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Vaughan Williams: Complete Symphonies
Ireland: Orchestral Works
Britten: War Requiem, Sinfonia da Requiem & Ballad of Heroes
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Ireland: Orchestral and Choral Works
Ireland: Orchestral Works
Vaughan Williams: Sinfonia Antartica & Toward the Unknown Region
Mendelssohn: Elijah, Op. 70
Vaughan Williams: Complete Symphonies
Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony
Elgar: The Dream of Gerontius - Parry: Blest pair of sirens, I was glad
Elgar: Dream Of Gerontius - Parry: Blest pair of sirens, I was glad
Martin: Ballades
Elgar: Sea Pictures & The Music Makers