Richard Lewis
Followers: 625
Popularity: 18
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Bernstein conducts Stravinsky and Britten
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (Live)
- Busoni: Doktor Faust
- Coleridge-Taylor: Hiawatha's Wedding Feast - Dvořák: Symphonic Variations (Recorded 1959 and 1962)
- Hiawatha's Wedding Feast
- Scenes From Troilus And Cressida
- Hawatha's Wedding Feast
- Walton: Scenes from Troilus and Cressida
- Purcell: Anthems and Church Music (Recorded Under the Auspices of the British Council) [Remastered]
- The Pirates Of Penzance
- Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast
- Mozart: Don Giovanni, K. 527 (Live)
- Highlights From Idomeneo
- Mozart: Idomeneo, K. 366
- A Child Of Our Times Ritual Dances