Pilar Lorengar
Followers: 1216
Popularity: 21
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Rossini: Stabat Mater
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte
- Portrait Pilar Lorengar (Live and Studio Recordings from 1959-1962)
- Mozart: Die Zauberflöte (Live)
- Portrait Of Pilar
- The Voice Of Pilar Lorengar
- Mozart: Cosi fan tutte
- Verdi: Falstaff (Excerpts)
- Verdi: La Traviata
- Mozart: Don Giovanni - highlights
- Puccini: La bohème (Sung in German)
- Puccini: La Bohème - Highlights (Sung in German)
- Gluck: Opera Gala
- Granados: Tonadillas; Canciónes Amatorias
- Spanish Romances
- Verdi: Falstaff (Excerpts)