Lennox Berkeley
Followers: 807
Popularity: 12
Related artists:
- Orlando Gibbons
- SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart
- Ildebrando Pizzetti
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- George Dyson
- Frank Martin
- Carlos Surinach
- Luigi Azzolini
- Frank Martin
- Imogen Holst
- Cecilia McDowall
- Markus Klinko
- Jean Absil
- Stuart Green
- Henrik Brendstrup
- Maria Lofberg
- Jonas Tamulionis
- Christopher Hughes
- Alan Thomas
- Oleg Timofeyev
Is related artist of :
Berkeley: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2
Berkeley: Orchestral Works
Smörgasbord: Encores and Short Pieces for Cello and Piano
Berkeley: Trio for Violin, Horn and Piano, Op. 44 - Mozart: Piano Quintet, K. 452