Jörg Demus
Followers: 2681
Popularity: 46
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Is related artist of :
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 8
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 7
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 6
- Beethoven: Lieder
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 5
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 4
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 3
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 2
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 1
- Brahms: Die schöne Magelone, Op. 33
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 21
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 9
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 19
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 20
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 18
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 17
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 16
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 15
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 14
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 13
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 12
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 11
- Anniversary Box: Jörg Demus, Vol. 10
- Schumann: Lieder
- Schumann: Liederkreis Op.24; Lieder
- Schumann: Dichterliebe Op.48; 12 Gedichte Op.35; 7 Lieder
- Schumann: Liederkreis Op. 39, Lieder-Album für die Jugend (Elly Ameling – The Philips Recitals, Vol. 16)
- Schubert: Impromptus, Klavierstücke, Moments Musicaux
- Schubert: Piano Music for Four Hands (Live)
- Schubert: Music for Piano Duet
- Piano Masterpieces: Franz Schubert – Moments musicaux & Impromptus
- Patzak singt Schubert
- Schubert: Piano Quintet in A Major, Op. 114, "Die Forelle" - Adagio and Rondo Concertante
- Brahms: A German Requiem (Ein Deutsches Requiem)
- Songs by Great Artist-Composers
- Haydn: Lieder
- Haydn Complete Songs (Elly Ameling – The Philips Recitals, Vol. 4)