Johann Gottlieb Goldberg
Followers: 754
Popularity: 23
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Bach: Goldberg Variations (Extended Edt.)
J.G. Goldberg & W.F. Bach: Trio Sonatas
Johann Gottlieb Goldberg: Complete Solo Harpsichord Works
Johann Gottlieb Goldberg: Complete Trio Sonatas
Goldberg: Harpsichord Concertos
Beyond the Variations
Elisabeth Schwanda: Barocke Sonaten Für Blockflöte
Goldberg: Conciertos para cembalo y orquestra
Goldberg: Trio Sonatas
Goldberg: Complete Concertos für Harpsichord and Orchestra
Die deutsche Vorklassik: Serie D. Orchester- und Kammermusik des Übergangs (Stereo Version)
Die deutsche Vorklassik: Serie D. Orchester- und Kammermusik des Übergangs (Mono Version)
- J.G. Goldberg: Trio Sonata in B-Flat Major: IV. Ciacona
- Goldberg: Sonate en trio (Formerly Attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach as BWV 1037, Mono Version)
- Goldberg: Sonate en trio - EP (Formerly Attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach as BWV 1037, Mono Version)