Sir Peter Pears
Followers: 2253
Popularity: 26
Related artists:
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- Philip Langridge
- Galina Vishnevskaya
- Lauritz Melchior
- David Kelly
- John Carol Case
- Hans Hotter
- Sabin Markov
- Pier Francesco Poli
Is related artist of :
Britten: Serenade for tenor, horn and strings; Les Illuminations; Nocturne
Britten: Billy Budd/The Holy Sonnets of John Donne etc.
Britten: Cello Symphony; Sinfonia da Requiem; Cantata Misericordium
Britten: War Requiem
Purcell: The Fairy Queen; Songs And Arias
Stravinsky: Oedipus Rex
Stravinsky: Oedipus Rex; Strauss: Elektra (Scenes); Kodaly: Hary Janos Suite
Britten 100: The Birthday Collection, Vol. 4
Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 102 & 151 / Purcell: Celebrate this Festival
Britten: The Rape of Lucretia; Phaedra
Britten: Death in Venice
Bach, J.S.: Johannes-Passion
Britten: Owen Wingrave; 6 Hölderlin Fragments; The Poet's Echo
Britten: Albert Herring
Handel: Acis and Galatea (Adrian Boult – The Decca Legacy II, Vol.3)
Britten: Peter Grimes
Britten, Gloriana, First Performance (Live)
Handel: L'allegro ed il penseroso, HWV 55 (Remastered)
Handel: Acis and Galatea
Mozart: Zaide (Live)
Berlioz: L'Enfance du Christ; La Mort de Cléopâtre; La Mort d'Ophélie etc
Britten: Spring Symphony, Op. 44
Britten: The Little Sweep
Britten: The Little Sweep
Britten: The Little Sweep (Mono Version)
Purcell: The Fairy Queen
Britten: The Turn of the Screw
Britten: Saint Nicolas; Rejoice in the Lamb
Britten: St.Nicolas, Op.42