Andrew Arthur
Followers: 147
Popularity: 13
Related artists:
- Gloucester Cathedral Choir
- Collegiate Church of St Mary Warwick Choir
- The Chapel Choir of Selwyn College, Cambridge
- William Croft
- The Choir of Tewkesbury Abbey School
- Nicholas White
- John Scott Whiteley
- Louis Bourgeois
- Edward Miller
- Christopher Gray
- Harry Bramma
- Cyril Taylor
- Samuel Sebastian Wesley
- Joseph Barnby
- Katherine Dienes-Williams
- Edward Hopkins
- Ian Ball
- Matthew Camidge
- Carleton Etherington
- William Daman
Is related artist of :
JS Bach: Harpsichord Concertos, BWV 1052, 1054, 1055 & 1058
Mozart: Sonatas for Violin & Piano, K. 301, K. 304, K. 305 & K. 454