Leslie Pearson
Followers: 402
Popularity: 38
Related artists:
- Philippe Jaroussky
- Sandrine Piau
- Simone Kermes
- John Eliot Gardiner
- William Christie
- Christopher Hogwood
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
- Henry Purcell
- Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
- Emma Kirkby
- Margaret Marshall
- Lucia Valentini Terrani
- Nancy Argenta
- RIAS Kammerchor
- Howard Crook
- Kym Amps
- Catherine Bott
- Paul Goodwin
- Laura Whalen
- Maite Arruabarrena
Is related artist of :
- John Eliot Gardiner
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
- Christopher Hogwood
- Nancy Argenta
- David Wilson-Johnson
- Wolfgang Meyer
- Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
- Alessandro Marcello
- Claudio Scimone
Hadley & Sainton: Choral and Orchestral Works
Mendelssohn: Symphonies
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 2, Op. 52 "Lobgesang"
Respighi: Fontane di Roma, Pini di Roma & Feste Romane
Vivaldi: Four Seasons
Mendelssohn: Symphonies
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 2, Op. 52 "Lobgesang"
Concertos, Sonatas & Suites For Trumpet & Organ