Anthony Rolfe Johnson
Followers: 1774
Popularity: 32
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Handel: Athalia
Handel: Esther
Handel: Solomon
Handel: Messiah - Highlights
Mozart: The Great Mass in C Minor; Vesper K.321
Mozart: Great Mass in C minor; Ave Verum Corpus
Mendelssohn: Elijah
Handel: Coronation Anthems
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
Haydn: The Creation
Verdi: Otello
Gay: The Beggar's Opera
Souvenirs de Venise - Songs of Venice
Vivaldi: La verità in cimento
Mozart: Great Mass in C minor
Mozart: Apollo & Hyacinthus (Complete Mozart Edition)
Bach, J.S.: Magnificat/Cantata No.51 "Jauchzet Gott"
Mozart: Requiem
Britten: Les Illuminations, 4 Chansons Françaises & Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings