John Tomlinson
Followers: 338
Popularity: 20
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Britten: Billy Budd
- Handel/Mozart: Acis & Galatea, K566
- Handel: Messiah - Arias and Choruses
- Handel: Messiah
- Donizetti: Gabriella di Vergy
- Handel: Julius Caesar
- Mozart: The Magic Flute
- Wagner: The Flying Dutchman
- Great Operatic Arias (Sung in English), Vol. 8 - John Tomlinson
- Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier (Highlights)
- Schubert: Swansong
- Bartók: Duke Bluebeard's Castle
- Great Operatic Arias, Vol. 6
- Verdi: Don Carlos
- Verdi: Rigoletto
- Donizetti: Mary Stuart (Highlights)
- Donizetti: Mary Stuart
- Britten: Billy Budd
- Mozart: The Magic Flute
- Wagner: The Flying Dutchman
- Great Operatic Arias, Vol. 8
- Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier (Highlights)
- Baroque Celebration
- Verdi: Don Carlos
- Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Live)