David Wilson-Johnson
Followers: 250
Popularity: 28
Related artists:
- John Eliot Gardiner
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
- Michael Schade
- Barbara Schlick
- Francois-Joseph Gossec
- RIAS Kammerchor
- Bavarian Radio Chorus
- MDR Leipzig Radio Chorus
- Howard Crook
- Leslie Pearson
- Rudolf Scholz
- Sylvia McNair
- Keith Lewis
- Susan Gritton
- Christine Brewer
- Georg Fischer
- Diana Montague
- Owen Burdick
- Royal Flemish Philharmonic
- Maite Arruabarrena
Is related artist of :
- Christian Ockert
- Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Wind Ensemble
- John Eliot Gardiner
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
- Sylvia McNair
- Diana Montague
- Susan Gritton
- Barbara Schlick
- Keith Lewis
- MDR Leipzig Radio Chorus
Berlioz: La damnation de Faust
Brahms: Ein deutsches requiem
Ravel: L'Enfant et les Sortilèges
Ravel: L'Heure Espagnole; Rapsodie Espagnole
Elgar: Caractacus & Severn Suite
Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Handel: Solomon
Martin: Der Sturm, Maria-Tryptychon & Sechs Monologs aus Jedermann
Parry: The Soul's Ransom & The Lotos-Eaters
Hadley & Sainton: Choral and Orchestral Works
Sainton: The Island - Hadley: The Trees so High
Mozart: Requiem in D Minor
Mozart: Requiem, K. 626
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Elgar: The Kingdom, Sospiri & Sursum Corda
Elgar: Caractacus & Severn Suite
Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem
Martin: Der Sturm, Maria-Tryptychon & Sechs Monologs aus Jedermann
Parry: The Soul's Ransom & The Lotos-Eaters
Peter Maxell Davies: Taverner
Stravinsky: The Flood; Abraham and Isaac; Variations; Requiem Canticles / Wuorinen: A Reliquary for Igor Stravinsky