Richard H. Kirk
Followers: 9131
Popularity: 19
Related artists:
- Mouse On Mars
- Burnt Friedman
- Higher Intelligence Agency
- Ultramarine
- Spacetime Continuum
- The Detroit Escalator Co.
- Pole
- Hieroglyphic Being
- sun electric
- human mesh dance
- A Positive Life
- Metamatics
- Drome
- B12
- Robert Leiner
- Dr Alex Paterson
- Andrea Parker
- I.A.O
- Vague Imaginaires
- LA Synthesis
Is related artist of :
- Delia & Gavin
- 7 Hurtz
- To Rococo Rot
- The Woodleigh Research Facility
- Amorphous Androgynous
- Burnt Friedman
- Atom TM
- Drome
Time High Fiction
Disposable Half-Truths
#7489 (Collected Works 1974 - 1989) [Sampler]
Reality Is Opposite
Sonic Reflections (Unreleased Soundtrack Project 1994)
Entering Valhalla - Volume Two (Virtual Lite)
Expreso_Elektro_Congo (Intone Unreleased Projects Volume Four: 2003-2005)
Sandoz In Dub: Chapter Two (Live In The Earth)
Meets The Truck Bombers Of Suburbia Uptown( featuring Pat Riot) [Volume One]
Presents Twat v4.0 (The War Against Terror)
LoopStatic (amine ß ring modulations)
Earlier / Later: Unreleased Projects Anthology 74 / 89
Step Write Run (Alphaphone Volume One)
The Number Of Magic
Virtual State
Black Jesus Voice
Ugly Spirit