The Hacker
Followers: 43478
Popularity: 40
Related artists:
- Miss Kittin
- Arnaud Rebotini
- Felix Da Housecat
- Tiga
- Fischerspooner
- DJ Hell
- Legowelt
- David Carretta
- I-F
- Jensen Interceptor
- Anthony Rother
- Dave Clarke
- Djedjotronic
- Maelstrom
- Dopplereffekt
- Thomas P. Heckmann
- Terence Fixmer
- Aux 88
Is related artist of :
- Vitalic
- Felix Da Housecat
- Tiga
- Fischerspooner
- Vive La Fête
- Djedjotronic
- Miss Kittin
- Chicks On Speed
Third Album
Other Side
Le Théâtre des Opérations
The Hacker - Love/Kraft (Complete Edition)
X Live
Rêves Mecaniques
First Album
First Album (2009 Reissue)
- Zone 4: Crainte / Errance - EP
- C'est une belle journée (The Hacker Remix)
- No Señor
- Forcefield
- Monopoly
- Keys Of Life (The Hacker Remix)
- Panzer Tanz (The Hacker Remix)
- Red Team
- Data Entry (The Hacker Remix)
- Save the Robots
- The Awake, Pt. 2
- Silver Machine - The Hacker Remix
- Just Play (Remixes)
- 19
- Ostbahnhof
- Roentgen
- Nano Technology
- Vody
- Nancy
- Lost & Found EP
- Lost Tracks, Vol. 2
- Where I Wait Remixes, Pt. 1
- Midnight Bliss
- Rave or Die 08
- Lost Tracks, Vol. 1
- Zone 18: Love/Kraft, Pt. 2
- Zone 14: Love/Kraft, Pt. 1 - EP
- Satori
- Shockwave
- Tigersushi Periculum No. 5: Magical Voyage
- The Only One
- Black Hole
- Haunted
- Party In My Head
- 1000 Dreams
- Mumu
- 2980
- Space Travel EP
- Art Et Industries
- Traces
- Lost | Found EP
- Radiation
- Flesh & Bone
- Dance Industria
- Cabaret Futura E.P. Vol.2
- Cold Love