Danny Kaye
Followers: 49749
Popularity: 41
Related artists:
- The McGuire Sisters
- Fred Astaire
- Debbie Reynolds
- Donald O'Connor
- Bob Hope
- The Andrews Sisters
- Vaughn Monroe
- Guy Lombardo
- Al Jolson
- Guy Lombardo & His Royal Canadians
- Rosemary Clooney
- Gordon MacRae
- Anthony Newley
- John Scott Trotter & His Orchestra
- The Merry Macs
- Irving Berlin
- Robert Goulet
- James Darren
- Mike Sammes Singers
- The Cast
Is related artist of :
- Doris Day
- Bing Crosby
- Glenn Miller Orchestra
- Rosemary Clooney
- Judy Garland
- Gene Kelly
- Debbie Reynolds
- The Andrews Sisters
Albums: Singles: