Epic Rap Battles of History
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Epic Rap Battles of History - Season 5
Epic Rap Battles of History - Season 4
Epic Rap Battles of History – Season 3
Epic Rap Battles of History Season 1
Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2
- Thanos vs J. Robert Oppenheimer
- The Joker vs Pennywise
- Mother Teresa vs Sigmund Freud
- Jacques Cousteau vs Steve Irwin
- George Carlin vs Richard Pryor
- Ronald McDonald vs the Burger King
- Godzilla vs King Kong
- Henry Ford vs Karl Marx
- Indiana Jones vs Lara Croft
- John Wick vs John Rambo vs John McClane
- Jeff Bezos vs Mansa Musa
- Ragnar Lodbrok vs Richard the Lionheart
- Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker
- Donald Trump vs Joe Biden
- Vlad the Impaler vs Count Dracula
- Wolverine vs Freddy Krueger
- Guy Fawkes vs Che Guevara
- Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg
- PewDiePie vs T-Serie:. Flash in the Pan Hip Hop Conflicts of Nowadays
- Nice Peter vs EpicLLOYD 2
- Theodore Roosevelt vs Winston Churchill
- Tony Hawk vs Wayne Gretzky
- Wonder Woman vs Stevie Wonder
- Ash Ketchum vs Charles Darwin
- Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton (Instrumental)
- Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
- Alexander the Great vs Ivan the Terrible
- Bruce Banner vs Bruce Jenner
- James Bond vs Austin Powers
- Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson
- Gordon Ramsay vs Julia Child
- J. R. R. Tolkien vs George R. R. Martin
- Deadpool vs Boba Fett
- Jim Henson vs Stan Lee
- Shaka Zulu vs Julius Caesar
- Philosophers East vs West
- Terminator vs Robocop
- David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini
- Lewis and Clark vs Bill and Ted
- Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock
- Oprah vs Ellen
- Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
- Zeus vs Thor
- Romeo & Juliet vs Bonnie & Clyde
- Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters
- Artists vs Turtles
- George Washington vs William Wallace
- Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye
- Stephen King vs Edgar Allan Poe
- Goku vs Superman
- Rick Grimes vs Walter White
- Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
- Bob Ross vs Pablo Picasso
- Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc
- Blackbeard vs Al Capone
- Michael Jordan vs Muhammad Ali
- Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler 3
- What's up Bitches?
- Rasputin vs Stalin
- Mozart vs Skrillex
- Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong
- Nikola Tesla vs Thomas Edison
- Mozart vs Skrillex - Instrumental (feat. Jesse Cale)
- Gandhi vs Martin Luther King Jr.
- Adam vs Eve
- Moses vs Santa Claus (feat. Snoop Dogg)
- Batman vs Sherlock Holmes
- Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood
- Doc Brown vs Doctor Who
- Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
- Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury
- Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
- Cleopatra vs Marilyn Monroe
- Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley
- Mario Bros. vs Wright Brothers
- Master Chief vs Leonidas (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Nice Peter vs Epiclloyd
- Sarah Palin vs Lady Gaga (feat. Nice Peter & Lisanova)
- Napoleon vs Napoleon (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Mr. T vs Mr. Rogers (feat. Nice Peter & Destorm)
- Justin Bieber vs Beethoven (feat. Nice Peter & Alex Farnham)
- John Lennon vs Bill O'reilly (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs Kim Jong-Il
- Genghis Khan vs the Easter Bunny (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Gandalf vs Dumbledore (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Dr Seuss vs William Shakespeare (feat. Nice Peter, Epiclloyd & George Watsky)
- Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Captain Kirk vs Christopher Columbus (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin (feat. Nice Peter, Epiclloyd & Colin Sweeney)
- Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking
- Abe Lincoln vs Chuck Norris (feat. Nice Peter & Epiclloyd)
- Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler 2