Maggie Sansone
Followers: 2807
Popularity: 30
Related artists:
- Ensemble Galilei
- Balla Tounkara
- Maidens of the Celtic Harp
- Celia Briar
- Patrick Ball
- Sue Richards
- Carol Thompson
- Lori Pappajohn
- Lynn Saoirse
- Diana Rowan
- Tony Ellis
- Ken Kolodner
- Celtic Muse
- Masahiro Nitta
- Paul Espinoza
- Darcy Fair
- Victor Johnson
- Damien Erwin
- Ceoltoiri
- The Gardyne Ensemble
Is related artist of :
Cold Frosty Morn at West River
A Hammered Dulcimer Collection
Wind Drift - Celtic grooves, mystic moods
A Celtic Fair: Traditional & Innovative Music for a Festive Gathering
Mystic Dance
Mist And Stone
Dance Upon The Shore
Merrily Greet the Time
Celtic Meditations - Into the Light
A Scottish Christmas
A Traveler's Dream
Ancient Noels
Music in the Great Hall - Instrumental Music from the Ancient Celtic Lands
Sounds of the Season II
Sounds of the Season