Young Knives
Followers: 24968
Popularity: 25
Related artists:
- Good Shoes
- The Rakes
- The Futureheads
- The Cribs
- The Rifles
- Art Brut
- The Sunshine Underground
- Boy Kill Boy
- The Rumble Strips
- ¡Forward Russia!
- Pete And The Pirates
- Milburn
- Little Man Tate
- The Holloways
- Cajun Dance Party
- The Paddingtons
- Harrisons
- Larrikin Love
- Pull Tiger Tail
- The Long Blondes
Is related artist of :
- Mystery Jets
- We Are Scientists
- The Rakes
- The Futureheads
- The Cribs
- Good Shoes
- Late of the Pier
- The Rifles
- The Sunshine Underground
- Boy Kill Boy
- The Duke Spirit
- Carl Barât
- Art Brut
- The Paddingtons
- Harrisons
- Larrikin Love
- Cajun Dance Party
- Chapel Club
Voices of Animals and Men and Shouts and Screams and Groans (Remastered)
Super Superabundance (Remastered)
Sick Octave
Ornaments from the Silver Arcade
....Are Dead....And Some
Voices of Animals & Men (Expanded)
...Are Dead
- Man of the People
- Swarm
- Society for Cutting Up Men
- Sheep Tick
- Red Cherries
- Something Awful
- Oh Happiness
- Human Again
- Dyed In The Wool (1 track DMD)
- Turn Tail
- Up All Night (1 track DMD)
- Up All Night
- Terra Firma
- Terra Firma (1 track DMD)
- The Decision (7" # 2)
- The Decision (7" # 1)
- The Decision
- Weekends and Bleak Days [Hot Summer] (7" # 2)
- Weekends and Bleak Days [Hot Summer] (7" # 1)
- She's Attracted To
- Here Comes the Rumour Mill (7" # 2)
- Here Comes the Rumour Mill (7" # 1)
- Here Comes the Rumour Mill
- Weekends and Bleak Days [Hot Summer]
- The Decision