Followers: 19690
Popularity: 33
Related artists:
- The New Year
- Simon Joyner
- Smog
- The American Analog Set
- Songs: Ohia
- Magnolia Electric Co.
- Jason Molina
- Papa M
- Vic Chesnutt
- Palace Music
- J Mascis
- Lou Barlow
- Advance Base
- Little Wings
- The Glands
- John Vanderslice
- Will Johnson
- Akron/Family
- Kevin Drew
- Desertshore
Is related artist of :
- Sun Kil Moon
- Smog
- The American Analog Set
- Songs: Ohia
- Jason Molina
- Palace Music
- Sunset Rubdown
- Kevin Drew
- Lou Barlow
- Jessica Lea Mayfield
- Akron/Family
- Neva Dinova
villagers (deluxe edition)
Echo Mine
Sometimes Good Weather Follows Bad People (Expanded Edition)
All My Friends Are Funeral Singers
Roots & Crowns
Heron King Blues (Deluxe Edition)
Quicksand/Cradlesnakes (Deluxe Reissue)
Roomsound (Deluxe Reissue)
- burn the sheets.bleach the books
- ox-eye
- villagers
- the habsburg jaw
- chaotic.evil.astral.elf
- Family Swan
- Needle in the Hay
- Bandicoot
- Romans
- Snow Angel V2
- Electric Fence (Clava Live Version)
- Slowness (Califone + oRSo)
- Mittens (4-track Version)