Secret Sphere
Followers: 23885
Popularity: 23
- progressive metal
- power metal
- melodic metal
- symphonic metal
- italian power metal
- italian metal
- symphonic power metal
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Blackened Heartbeat
Liveblood - The Studio Session
The Nature of Time
One Night in Tokyo
A Time Never Come - 2015 Edition
Portrait of a Dying Heart
Sweet Blood Theory
The Scent of Human Desire
Mistress of the Shadowlight
- Confession
- Blackened Heartbeat
- J.'s Serenade
- The End of an Ego
- Lifeblood
- Courage
- Faith
- The Calling
- Dance with the Devil (Live)
- The Scars That You Can't See (Live)
- Legend (Live)
- X. (Live)