Followers: 25203
Popularity: 30
- melodic death metal
- viking metal
- finnish death metal
- finnish melodeath
- oulu metal
- melodic black metal
Related artists:
- Shade Empire
- Graveworm
- Siebenbürgen
- Norther
- Eternal Tears Of Sorrow
- Agathodaimon
- Old Man's Child
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Naglfar
- Thyrfing
- Noumena
- Dark The Suns
- Skyfire
- Stormlord
- Hecate Enthroned
- Limbonic Art
- Imperanon
- Abyssos
- Illnath
- Cryptic Wintermoon
Is related artist of :
- Stormlord
- Kalmah
- The Kovenant
- Siebenbürgen
- Bal-Sagoth
- Agathodaimon
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Norther
- Shade Empire
- Graveworm
- Keep Of Kalessin
- Dragonlord
- Illnath
- Apostasy
- Tvangeste
- Eternal Tears Of Sorrow
- Skyfire
- Thyrfing
- Einherjer
- Vintersorg
- Demonaz
- King of Asgard
The Rewritten Chapters
The Time Unchained
Location: COLD
Winternight Tragedies
Morning Crimson
Halls of Frozen North
Eternal Winter's Prophecy
Chaos Born