Vicious Rumors
Followers: 31568
Popularity: 24
Related artists:
- Tokyo Blade
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- Liege Lord
- Crimson Glory
- Chastain
- Omen
- Shok Paris
- Sanctuary
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- Medieval Steel
- Malice
- Marshall Law
Is related artist of :
- Lizzy Borden
- Raven
- Liege Lord
- Tygers Of Pan Tang
- Grim Reaper
- Savatage
- Armored Saint
- Virgin Steele
- Air Raid
- Ambush
- Crimson Glory
- Jag Panzer
- Heavens Gate
- Scanner
- Riot
- Sword
- Banshee
- Chastain
- Shok Paris
- Malice
The Atlantic Years
Celebration Decay
Concussion Protocol
Welcome To The Ball
Vicious Rumors
Digital Dictator
Soldiers of the Night