Followers: 35335
Popularity: 24
Related artists:
- Graveworm
- Månegarm
- Moonsorrow
- Svartsot
- Falkenbach
- Wolfchant
- Finsterforst
- Thyrfing
- Vintersorg
- Heathen Foray
- Catamenia
- Vanir
- Myrkgrav
- Vreid
- Demonaz
- Mithotyn
- Wulfgar
- King of Asgard
- Hollenthon
- Gormathon
Is related artist of :
- Vintersorg
- Týr
- Finntroll
- Arkona
- Heidevolk
- SuidAkrA
- Cruachan
- Trollfest
- Skálmöld
- Månegarm
- Moonsorrow
- Svartsot
- Falkenbach
- Wolfchant
- Borknagar
- Finsterforst
- Thyrfing
- Heathen Foray
- Obscurity
- Lumsk
- Otyg
- Myrkgrav
- Mithotyn
- King of Asgard
- Hollenthon
- Wulfgar
Norse and Dangerous (Live... From the Land of Legends)
North Star
Norrøne Spor
Dragons of the North XX
Av Oss, For Oss
Norwegian Native Art
Odin Owns Ye All
Dragons of the North
- Deaf Forever
- Dragons of the North (Live)
- Far Far North (Live)
- West Coast Groove (Live)
- Mine Våpen Mine Ord
- Kill the Flame
- Spre Vingene
- Nidstong
- Far Far North - Single