Eternal Tears Of Sorrow
Followers: 62316
Popularity: 32
- melodic death metal
- finnish death metal
- finnish melodeath
- symphonic death metal
- symphonic melodic death metal
Related artists:
- Mors Principium Est
- Kalmah
- Be'lakor
- Before The Dawn
- Omnium Gatherum
- Shade Empire
- Graveworm
- Norther
- Nightrage
- Agathodaimon
- Noumena
- Dark The Suns
- In Mourning
- Brymir
- Catamenia
- Skyfire
- Fractal Gates
- Dawn Of Solace
- Enshine
- Imperanon
Is related artist of :
- Dark Tranquillity
- Amorphis
- Scar Symmetry
- Wintersun
- Kalmah
- Sentenced
- Charon
- Poisonblack
- For My Pain...
- Insomnium
- Crematory
- Mors Principium Est
- Before The Dawn
- Omnium Gatherum
- Norther
- Shade Empire
- Graveworm
- Catamenia
- Illnath
- Swallow The Sun
- Be'lakor
- Dark The Suns
- Noumena
- Darkseed
- Vintersorg
- Ghost Brigade
Saivon lapsi
Vilda Mánnu
Chaotic Beauty
Children of the Dark Waters
Before The Bleeding Sun
A Virgin And A Whore
Sinners Serenade