Followers: 33389
Popularity: 27
Related artists:
- SuidAkrA
- Northland
- Black Messiah
- Månegarm
- Svartsot
- Finsterforst
- Thyrfing
- Einherjer
- Heathen Foray
- Vanir
- Adorned Brood
- Gwydion
- Obscurity
- Thrudvangar
- Kromlek
- Wulfgar
- XIV Dark Centuries
- Bifröst
- Nordheim
- Gernotshagen
Is related artist of :
- Kromlek
- Ensiferum
- Wintersun
- Bifröst
- Equilibrium
- Turisas
- Týr
- Finntroll
- Arkona
- Heidevolk
- SuidAkrA
- Cruachan
- Trollfest
- Skálmöld
- Månegarm
- Moonsorrow
- Svartsot
- Falkenbach
- Finsterforst
- Drakum
- Northland
- Black Messiah
- Thyrfing
- Einherjer
- Adorned Brood
- Grimner
- Gwydion
- Varg
- Heathen Foray
- Obscurity
- Vintersorg
- Myrkgrav
- King of Asgard
- Wulfgar
Omega : Bestia
The Fangs of the Southern Death (Re-Recorded)
Embraced by Fire
Call of the Black Winds
Determined Damnation
A Pagan Storm
Bloody Tales Of Disgraced Lands
A Pagan Storm (Re-Recorded 2024)