Diplomats of Solid Sound
Followers: 14164
Popularity: 27
Related artists:
- The James Hunter Six
- Eli "Paperboy" Reed
- Gizelle Smith
- The Bamboos
- The Sweet Vandals
- The Grits
- The Relatives
- LaRose Jackson
- Grace Love and the True Loves
- Soulful Torino Orchestra
- Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics
- Bullets
- Kings Go Forth
- Charles Wright
- Geater Davis
- Frootful
- The Mighty Sceptres
- Charlie Whitehead
- The Sweet Divines
- Little Denise / Yvonne Fair
Is related artist of :
- Dojo Cuts
- Lack Of Afro
- The Suffers
- Grace Love and the True Loves
- Kings Go Forth
- Eli "Paperboy" Reed
- The Bamboos
- Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics
- Bullets
- Charles Wright
A Higher Place
What Goes Around Comes Around
Destination...Get Down
Let's Cool One
Instrumental, Action, Soul
- The Live EP
- Fool
- Move On
- All Wrapped up in You
- Back Off/B-O-O-G-A-L-O-O
- If You're Wrong (lack Of Afro Remix)
- Plenty Nasty