Followers: 30316
Popularity: 44
Related artists:
- Patti Rudisill
- Braxton Burks
- The Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra
- PurpleSchala
- Theophany
- Sam Dillard
- Koji Kondo
- ZREO: Second Quest
- Triforce Quartet
- The Versions
- Franco Albertini
- Laura Platt
- Project Destati
- Aaron Grubb
- The Noble Demon
- Wayne Strange
- Eric Buchholz
Is related artist of :
Ballads of Hyrule Piano Reflections
Dungeons & Dodongos
Phazon: Metroid Saga
Shadows of Hyrule
Time Once Lost (Remastered)
Ghibli Secret Hideaway
Ballads of Hyrule II
NieR: Become As Gods
Crest of Flames
The Keyblade War
Children of Termina
Ballads of Hyrule
Sins of Hyrule
NieR: Glory to Mankind
Time Once Lost
- Flower Garden: A Super Mario EP
- Frenzied Flame Merchant Song (from "Elden Ring")
- Shaman Village (from "Shadow of the Erdtree")
- End Times (from "Outer Wilds")
- Amusement Park (Piano Reflections)
- Outer Wilds (Main Theme)
- Magmoor Caverns
- Jade Order (Original Game Soundtrack)
- City Ruins (Shade)
- Midna's Desperate Hour (From “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) [Cover Version]
- Hyrulean Tales (Zeldathon 25 Credits Roll)
- Fódlan Winds (From "Fire Emblem Three Houses")
- Isn't It Wonderful (Suteki Da Ne) [feat. Reven]
- Wizpig (from "Diddy Kong Racing")
- Battle for Spira (from "FINAL FANTASY X")
- Tales of Azeroth (From "World of Warcraft")
- Saria's Elegy (From "Ocarina of Time")
- Rainbow Road
- Where I Belong (from "FINAL FANTASY VIII")
- Fated Children (from "FINAL FANTASY VIII")
- Nayru's Love
- Vault 111 (Fallout 4 Main Theme)
- Dear to the Heart (from "FINAL FANTASY VII")
- King of Light and Shadow
- Sharing the Same Sky
- Somewhere Only We Know
- May We Meet Again (Fi's Farewell)
- Dire Dire Docks
- Well Played
- Under Twilit Rain
- Termina's Demise
- Dark Intelligence