Vasaria Project
Followers: 3828
Popularity: 42
Related artists:
- Yoshihisa Hirano
- Yutaka Yamada
- PianoDeuss
- LucasPianoRoom
- PianoPrinceOfAnime
- Prayathna
- Lars Sorensen
- R A Y
- Eliott Tordo Erhu
- Lorenzo Ferrara
- Aleta
- Chasing Mirrors
- Ralpi Composer
- Hikigai
- JaianMusic
- Anthony Hames
- Crescent Sun
- Aku
- Alexander Rosskopf
- Shyar Kiki
Is related artist of :
- Yasuharu Takanashi
- Samuel Kim
- Yoshihisa Hirano
- Yutaka Yamada
- Lars Sorensen
- Lorenzo Ferrara
- Crescent Sun
- Aku
Albums: Singles:
- Deliverance
- Forsaken
- YouSeeBIGGIRL/T:T (From “Attack on Titan”)
- Reminiscence
- Vogel im Käfig (From “Attack on Titan”)
- Game of Thrones (Main Theme)
- Only a Plank Between One and Perdition (From “Final Fantasy VIII”)
- Eternity
- Repentance
- Alone
- Rebirth