Followers: 18475
Popularity: 37
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Albums: Singles:
- Kilowatt
- Cut Off The Top
- Antidote
- No Compliance
- City On Lock (Submarine Remix)
- Let You Down
- Spaceman (QZB Remix)
- Artificial / Streetwise
- Artificial (VISLA Remix)
- Fix You / Greyhound
- Point Precision
- Overdrive
- Riot Gear Romance
- Turn Around (QZB Remix)
- Thirteen
- Take It All (Halogenix Remix)
- Become (QZB Remix)
- Half Awake
- Ashes & Bones
- Perspectives. Vol.3
- Perspectives Vol.2
- Clairvoyant EP
- Elektron Dub
- Unforgiving
- We Pretend
- Nautilus / Tigra
- Kintsugi (Satl Remix)
- Perspectives Vol.1
- Delirium Ep
- Take It All EP
- QZB x Vorso
- Unity EP
- Gang Signs / Indigo Heart
- Critical Presents: Systems 009
- Dionysus (QZB Remix)
- Orbit / Concrete
- Opposition
- Initiate feat. MC Resc / Gambit
- 45 Volts EP
- Enkidu EP
- Backstab EP