Followers: 2989
Popularity: 38
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Albums: Singles:
- Seis (Improv At Seis)
- Seis (Daigo Hanada Rework)
- Muku
- Okaeri
- Flow Around
- Paths
- Quiet road
- When we get older
- See you again
- joyful
- little plate
- snowflake
- Solitude
- Olive Park
- Seis (Hideyuki Hashimoto Rework II)
- Seis (Hideyuki Hashimoto Rework I)
- Seis (Live At Seis, Kyoto, 2021)
- Seis (Studio Version)
- Oto
- Dear Dustin
- Acorn
- Nighteen
- Middle Island
- Encole
- Diego
- Hugged
- Hex
- Stay Longer
- In the Forest
- Any
- Like a Child
- The Shards
- Break of the Thread
- Little Forest
- You Didn't Answer (Variation)
- Old Days
- Someday
- Always
- Day After Day
- Tomorrow
- Trei
- Swamp
- Which Way
- Still
- Metamorphosis
- Towards the Light
- Ashes
- Prayer
- Kasumi
- Gift
- Reunion
- We Need a Break
- Tanabata (A Tale of Two Stars)
- Everlasting Oath