Helmut Muller-Bruhl
Followers: 455
Popularity: 49
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Is related artist of :
Bach For Meditation
Bach For Relaxation
Bach For Inspiration
Bach For Study
Bach For Meditation
Peaceful Bach
Relaxing Bach
Haydn, J.: Concertos for 2 Lire Organizzate, Hob.Viih:1-5
Haydn, J.: Keyboard Concertos
Haydn, J.: Trumpet Concerto / Horn Concerto No. 1 / Keyboard Concerto in D Major / Double Concerto in F Major (Bruhl)
Haydn, J.: Violin Concertos, Hob. Viia: 1, 3, 4
Haydn: Piano Concertos, Hob.Xviii:3,4,9,11
Haydn: Cello Concertos Nos. 1 and 2 / Sinfonia Concertante
Haydn: Symphonies, Vol. 28 (Nos. 37, 38, 39, 40)
Haydn: Cello Concertos Nos. 1, 2 and 4
Haydn: Symphonies, Vol. 24 (Nos. 43, 46, 47)
Haydn: Symphonies, Vol. 22 (Nos. 13, 36 / Sinfonia Concertante)
Hommage zum 200. Todestag von Joseph Haydn
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