Spiritual Frequencies
Followers: 5696
Popularity: 63
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Is related artist of :
Breath of Life (Percussive Version)
Peaceful Dreams (Percussive Version)
Eternal Harmony
Sacred Oasis (Percussive Version)
Eternal Harmony (Percussive Version)
528 Hz Miracle Transformation
Breath of Life (Ambient Version)
Binaural Beats - Theta Waves for Mental Clarity (4-8 Hz)
Peaceful Dreams (Ambient Version)
Sacred Oasis (Ambient Version)
Eternal Harmony (Ambient Version)
Binaural Beats - Gamma Waves for Peak Performance (32-100 Hz)
Breath of Life
Peaceful Dreams
528 Hz Miracle Tone
Sacred Oasis
Binaural Beats - Delta Waves for Sleep (0.5-4 Hz)
741 Hz Remove Negativity
Binaural Beats - Beta Waves to Focus (13-32 Hz)
Binaural Beats - Alpha Waves for Relaxation and Happiness (8-13 Hz)
741 Hz Body Detox
396 Hz Cleanse Negative Blocks
528 Hz Positive Transformation
396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear
396 Hz Healing Frequency
Sleepy Frequencies
Sleepy Journey
Sleep Tight
741 Hz Negative Energy Relief
741 Hz Full Body Detox
741 Hz Deep Theta Meditation
741 Hz Body Regeneration
396 Hz Liberating Guilt & Fear
741 Hz Cleanse Fear & Negative Blocks
天国のマッサージ: 霊的振動の蘇生
眠りの秘密: スパの夢で新しい自分を見つける
夢見る犬の楽園: 幸せの秘密
- 174 Hz Foundation Frequency
- 852 Hz Let Go of Fear and Overthinking
- 639 Hz Heart Chakra
- 417 Hz Mindfulness