Jack Bruce
Followers: 43479
Popularity: 30
Related artists:
- Taste
- Spooky Tooth
- Blodwyn Pig
- Colosseum
- Alvin Lee
- Al Kooper
- Mike Bloomfield
- Chicken Shack
- Peter Green Splinter Group
- Leslie West
- Tommy Bolin
- Beck, Bogert, Appice
- Mick Taylor
- Ginger Baker
- West, Bruce & Laing
- Keef Hartley Band
- Baker Gurvitz Army
- Paul Kossoff
- Steve Marriott
Is related artist of :
- John Mayall
- Peter Green
- Alvin Lee
- Robin Trower
- Mike Bloomfield
- Peter Green Splinter Group
- The Electric Flag
- Taste
- Beck, Bogert, Appice
- Delaney & Bonnie
- Al Kooper
- Ronnie Lane
- Steve Marriott
- Paul Kantner
- Chicken Shack
- Paul Kossoff
- West, Bruce & Laing
- Blodwyn Pig
- Leslie West
- Keef Hartley Band
- Baker Gurvitz Army
- The Leslie West Band
- Stone The Crows
- Alan White
- Family
- Frijid Pink
- The Groundhogs
- Colosseum
- Audience
- John "Rabbit" Bundrick
- Man
- Adrian Belew
Songs from the Road
Seven Moons
Michael Mantler: No Answer / Silence
Songs from the Road
Cage: The Works for Piano, Vol. 5