George Whitefield Chadwick
Followers: 1133
Popularity: 5
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Sure on This Shining Night: The Romantic Song in America
- George Whitefield Chadwick: Songs
- Chadwick: Orchestral Works
- Chadwick: Symphony No. 2 / Symphonic Sketches
- American Character
- Chadwick: Thalia / Melpomene / Euterpe
- Chadwick: Melpomene, Rip Van Winkle, Symphonic Sketches & Tam O'Shanter
- Bird Songs at Eventide: English Songs of the Edwardian Era
- Chadwick: Symphony No. 2 & Symphonic Sketches
- Chadwick: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3
- Parker: A Northern Ballad/Chadwick: Symphony No. 2