Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Followers: 7765
Popularity: 32
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Wolfgang Rübsam
- Elisabeth Kufferath
- Jean Rondeau
- Patrick Peire
- Carl Stamitz
- New Zealand Chamber Orchestra
- Johann Stamitz
- Daniel Müller-Schott
- David Geringas
- Nobuko Imai
- Louis Spohr
- Franz Ignaz Beck
W.F. Bach: Cantatas
Bach, W.F.: Cantatas, Vol. 2 - Fk. 64, 83, 85
Bach, W.F.: Cantatas, Vol. 1 - Lasset Uns Ablegen / Es Ist Eine Stimme Eines Predigers
Itinerary of a HIP Musician
W.F. Bach: Flute Sonatas and Trios