Ardhito Pramono
Followers: 1004968
Popularity: 60
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Is related artist of :
Semar & Pasukan Monyet
Ardhito Pramono Live at Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2020
- Waking Up Together With You
- Nusa Ina
- Dancing In September
- Masa Masa
- Wijayakusuma
- Yth: NAIF
- Teman Perjalanan (Dear Nathan, Thank You Salma - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Waktuku Hampa
- New Year's Eve
- bitterlove
- I Just Couldn't Save You Tonight (Story of Kale - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Sudah (Story of Kale - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- craziest thing happened in my backyard (Live Stereo Session)
- fake optics
- craziest thing happened in my backyard (Live Mono Session)
- Craziest thing happened in my backyard
- fine today (Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Playlist, Vol. 2
- a letter to my 17 year old (Live Studio Session)
- a letter to my 17 year old
- Ardhito Pramono