Followers: 43382
Popularity: 30
Related artists:
- Angel Witch
- Tokyo Blade
- Cloven Hoof
- Witchfynde
- Jaguar
- Witch Cross
- Blitzkrieg
- Tytan
- Manilla Road
- Cirith Ungol
- Ostrogoth
- OZ
- Stormwitch
- Liege Lord
- Attacker
- Exciter
- Agent Steel
- Omen
- Helstar
- Medieval Steel
Is related artist of :
Earth Infernal
Early Rituals
Cruel Magic
Atom by Atom
Trail by Fire (Live in North America)
Life Sentence
Suspended Sentence
Court in the Act
Songs in Crimson
- From Second Sight
- Burning Portrait
- Death Knell for a King
- Into the Mouth of Eternity
- The Doomsday Clock
- Turn the Tide