Nova Schola Gregoriana
Followers: 5336
Popularity: 35
Related artists:
- Choeur des moines de l'abbaye Notre Dame de Fontgombault
- Choeur des frères dominicains de la province de France
- Choeur des Bénédictins de l'Abbaye Sainte-Anne de Kergonan
- Alberto Turco
- Gregorian Chant
- Cantores in Ecclesia
- Gregorian Chants
- Hortus Musicus
- Choir Of St. Abuscus
- Capella Gregoriana Easo
- Stirps Iesse
- The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Benôit-Du-Lac, Dom André Saint-Cyr
- Karel Frana
- Lucien Deiss, CSSp
- The Schola Cantorum of St. John XXIII Parish
- Schola Gregoriana Hispana
- Cantarte Regensburg
- Schola Antiqua
- Schola gregoriana mediolanensis
- Giovanni Vianini
Is related artist of :
- Traditional
- Cantori Gregoriani
- Choeur des Bénédictins de l'Abbaye Sainte-Anne de Kergonan
- Cantores in Ecclesia
- Choir Of St. Abuscus
- The Benedictine Abbey of Saint Benôit-Du-Lac, Dom André Saint-Cyr
- Lucien Deiss, CSSp
- Schola Gregoriana Hispana
- The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop
Albums: Singles: