Jehovah Shalom Acapella
Followers: 14462
Popularity: 33
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Is related artist of :
Christ in Hymns (A Special Father’s Tribute of Praise)
El Shaddai
Hymns of the Cross
Christ in Hymns II
Christ in Hymns
- "Oge Chukwu"
- Christ in Hymns (A Special Collection of Prayers and Praises)
- Christ in Hymns Episode 11 (Live)
- Stop Cheating
- Uganda National Anthem
- Christ in Hymns Experience VIII (Live)
- Christ in Hymns Experience VII (Live)
- Christ in Hymns Experience VI (Live)
- Christ in Hymns Experience IX (Live)
- Christ in Hymns Episode 7 (Live)
- Nenda Okumwebaza
- Christ in Hymns VI
- Love Unleashed
- Does Jesus Care?
- Christ in Hymns Experience V (Live)
- Christ in Hymns Experience IV (Live)
- Christ in Hymns (Live)
- Take Time to Be Holy
- Jsa Hymns and Songs of Praise (Live)
- Jsa Live Worship Experience Through Hymns and Songs of Praise
- The Manger and the Cross
- How Great Thou Art (Live)
- Christ in Hymns V
- He Hideth My Soul
- Christ in Hymns IV
- Maama
- Christ in Hymns III
- Wonderful Words of Life
- When the Morning Comes
- Love Can Turn the World
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Hymn Medley III
- Happy New Year
- Away in a Manger
- Thank You Jesus
- Trust and Obey
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Uganda National Anthem
- Hymn Medley 2 (Are You Washed in the Blood,Standing on the Promises of God)
- Tukutendereza Yesu
- Happy Mothers Day
- Risen
- It Is Higher
- Have a Little with Jesus
- Are You Single and Searching?
- Joy to the World
- At the Cross
- Acapella Hymnal Medley Part.1
- Katonda Onsembeze
- Buganda Anthem
- Papa
- Amen
- Alidda
- Emikisa
- Corona Virus
- Gloria in Excelsis Deo
- Situka Okole
- Birthday Medley
- Twagalane
- Halleluyah Twakushaba
- Halleluyah Twakushaba
- Yesu Yekka