Ruben Karapetyan
Followers: 3245
Popularity: 25
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Albums: Singles:
- Hypercube
- Parisian Vibe (Molac Remix)
- Neurotransmitter | Parisian Vibe
- Neurotransmitter (Gai Barone Remix)
- Blaster
- Red Lights From Afar
- Silentium
- Midnight Express to North Avenue
- Orophile
- Great Attractor / Quantum Touch
- Cosmic Dot
- Swank
- Deep Story (Ruben Karapetyan Remix)
- Without Your Noose
- Into the Light
- Enigma
- Manila (Integral Bread Remix)
- Manila
- The Truth (Matt Oliver & Mind Echoes Remix)
- The Truth
- Hyperphantasia
- Our Rapture
- Eternity
- Live in the Moment
- Jan P / Scooter
- Meteorite (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
- Frequency Formula
- Interjection
- Erectheum
- Dicite (Remixed)
- Amberd (Kebin Van Reeken Remix)
- Amberd
- Golden Age
- Nostalgic Recall
- Save Yourself
- Kamikaze (Ruben Karapetyan Remix)
- Meteorite
- Mindworm
- 32 Days & One Week
- Collected Moments EP
- Carpe Diem
- Tranquility
- Aphrodite
- Take Your Mind
- Beacon (Ruben Karapetyan Remix)
- Beacon
- The Land of Hayk
- Rampage (Ruben Karapetyan Remix)
- Life
- Eastern Taboo
- Renzzo
- Rejuvenescence
- Journey to Arion
- Red Shift
- Goloka
- Tarantella
- Janus / Acceptance
- Sooner or Later
- Evening in Yerevan / Venus
- Clear Conscience
- Dicite
- Bitter Sweet
- Deeper Thoughts
- Never Again
- Vorfreude
- Karo
- Hathor
- Gignesthai