Christopher Gunning
Followers: 1792
Popularity: 23
Related artists:
- John Mauceri
- Hollywood Bowl Orchestra
- National Symphony Orchestra
- Alex North
- Max Steiner
- Ernest Gold
- Franz Waxman
- Richard Rodney Bennett
- Herman Hupfeld
- Ludwig Wicki
- Martin Robertson
- The Flemish Radio Orchestra
- City of Prague Orchestra
- Angela Morley
- Patrick Gowers
- The City Lights Orchestra
- Darryl Kubian
- Alessio Vlad
- Claudio Capponi
- The Orchestra of the Guildhall School
Is related artist of :
- Maurice Jarre
- Alex North
- Max Steiner
- City of Prague Orchestra
- Mario Nascimbene
- Martin Robertson
- David Appleyard
- Charlie Chaplin
Christopher Gunning: Concertino for Flute and Small Orchestra; Concerto for Clarinet & String Orchestra; Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra
Christopher Gunning: Symphonies 6 & 7
Christopher Gunning: Symphony No. 5 & String Quartet No. 1
Christopher Gunning: Violin Concerto, Cello Concerto & Birdflight
Gunning: Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 & Oboe Concerto
Gunning: Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 & Oboe Concerto